The ATMAN Federation celebrates once again a new generation of Yoga-, Esoteric Tantra Yoga- and Tantra for Women Teachers
With the three groups combined, the 2017 graduation was already a true Maha Graduation. This year we will even need to celebrate twice! Two full 5-day graduation weekends – at the end of November and at the beginning of February – await us and a new generation of certified ATMAN teachers.
From 20 – 24 November 2019, we will celebrate the graduates of the Yoga and ‘Tantra for Women’ Teacher Trainings. The Shaktis have already completed their exams and handed in their wonderful projects, whilst the period of preparation is now reaching its hottest and most exhilarating phase for the Yoga aspirants. Their big moment comes on the 21 – 22 September with the final exam of the current Yoga Teacher Training Course and the delivery of their projects.
From 5 – 10 February 2020 Paradise Retreat Center will once again be transformed into a sublime celebration for the graduation of the Tantra Teacher Training Course. Both groups of the currently biggest Tantra Teacher Training Course will meet all together from 11 – 15 September to enjoy their final module number 8 and complete their exam. We have exciting months ahead!
The preparations for both Grand Graduation Ceremonies had begun. It promises to be a magnificent celebration of genuine spirituality. The highlight for the graduates will be to receive their spiritual investiture, a deeply significant and essential step on the path of becoming a teacher. The audience will once again rejoice in artistic shows, concerts and the big award ceremony which will be broadcast online. During this celebration, the teachers will receive their teacher diploma and individual gifts from their tutors. The best projects will be selected and awarded with certificates and special gifts.
To become a teacher in the ATMAN Federation is – in and of itself – a great spiritual journey, lasting two years for Yoga and ‘Tantra for Women’ teachers, and even four years for the ‘Esoteric Tantra Yoga‘ teachers-to-be.
Initial preparation is required in all cases. The Yoga Teacher Training Course may only be started after being a Yoga student for a minimum of three years. The Tantra students may start the Tantra Teacher Training Course after the second year, since its duration will bring the aspirant to the necessary fifth year of study.
The Tantra for Women Training Course welcomes every female member of the Atman Federation who feels inspired to awaken her femininity and who seeks a deep and intensive insight into the mysteries of becoming a spiritual woman in the modern life. Participants can choose to follow the course for themselves and decide for themselves if they want to pass on the treasures they have acquired by becoming certified coordinators of Shakti groups.
For the present generation of graduates, the journey has tested their true aspiration, willpower, and perseverance in acquiring the knowledge and accomplishing the practice required to be invested as a genuine spiritual teacher. The ATMAN Teacher Trainings are in-depth and profound programs that require a true desire for transformation, from all aspirants.