International Spiritual Esoteric Yogi Summer Camp
This camp, together with the Spiritual Esoteric Yogi Spring Camp, represents a true spiritual celebration of immense value for anyone ardently aspiring for transformation. They put the traditional path of yoga into a wider, esoteric perspective, while being perfectly compatible with our modern daily life.

Glossary Terms to better understand the subtle phenomena that occur whilst invoking angelic entities
ASPIRATION This term comes from the Latin word aspiratio, which in the English translation means to aspire. Generally speaking, aspiration is the action of orienting ourselves, it is the action of directing our aspirations to something clearly superior, including towards the fulfillment of a certain sublime ideal. When considered and seen from an esoteric point of view, ...

Message regarding the Godly Attributes
On August 8, 2020 at 13.00 CEST in Aarhus Denmark, a halo appeared around the sun, exactly in the moment of beginning of the meditation with the Godly Attribute of Godly Salvation and Redemption that was performed during the Online Yogi Summer Camp. The halo lasted for 18 minutes.

What is Yoga?
YOGA is what we traditionally call “the knowledge of liberation”. We all seek, consciously or not, to rise above the limited notion of what we are. More exactly, we seek to rise above what we usually think we are.

ASANA or body posture in YOGA
An asana is a static posture that eases the subconscious mental and physical schemes’ relaxation. Such schemes trouble and even block the person’s free movement and creativity. Unconscious and restrictive, they often develop as answers to accidents, diseases, shocks, emotional traumas due to daily life stress, worries, responsibilities, unsatisfaction and sadness.

The Art of Blessing
The Art of Blessing allows the Supreme Energy, which is beyond existence and non-existence, to flow over the person. It derives from the Almighty sphere of the Eternal Spirit of God the Father.

Integral Yoga
The Integral Yoga is an intelligent combination of various traditional methods used for the harmonious development of one’s entire being in all its aspects: physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual. The Integral Yoga is a scientific system that combines different types of yoga in order to fulfill one’s potential in the widest sense.

The Yogic Yang Spiral Meditation
The yang spiral meditation is a unique group meditation, utilizing the power of the yang aspect, as well as of the 12 zodiacal signs. These meditations are organised in unison throughout the various member schools of the ATMAN Federation.

YOGA: a short definition
YOGA is a genuine science of the human being and also a quite rigorous discipline, which unfortunately got rather coarsened and degraded in the West. As a term, YOGA stems in the Indo-European root, that could go in English for YOKE or JOIN, GATHER, MERGE, or BRING TOGETHER.

Yoga and positive thinking
Positive thinking is considered in yoga a success’ sine qua non condition, whether it is about success in yoga practice or in any other benefic action we want to. The reason why yoga puts such a high price on positive thinking is the knowledge of the occult law of resonance.

Essential Elements Regarding MAHASHIVARATRI, the Great Festival of Shiva
The night of Mahashivaratri is the night before the day of the New Moon in February – March (according to the Indian astrological system – the lunar month, PHALGUNA). The yogis welcome this grandiose celebration as an exceptional spiritual opportunity.

Three Fundamental Conditions to Have a Healthy Life
The ancient science of life – AYURVEDA – states that in order to reach and maintain a good state of health and harmony the human being must observe three basic conditions: Healthy and natural diet; Proper regenerating rest; Perfect control over the sexual-creative potential.

The mysterious influences of colours over human beings
Our whole existence is covered with colours: the wonderful colours from nature, the colours of the objects in our home, the colours of our clothes, the colours of walls from the rooms, the colours of buildings, the colours of cars and different vehicles we are travelling by, the colours of books, magazines, papers, the colours ...

Introduction to Ayurveda
Ayurveda represents a complex system of natural healing that originated in India. In Sanskrit, the word Ayurveda means ”The science of life”

Ayurveda – the science and art of healing
Ayurveda is simple because it uses general principles, synthesized as a result of a long, direct practice. The simplicity of Ayurveda is due to the fact that this science has reached the essence and for this reason it cannot be considered as being superficial or reduced.

The present interest in the Ayurvedic system
Today, knowledge of the Ayurvedic system has become more and more widespread. Unlike many other systems of alternative medicine, Ayurveda started to be known in very many countries of the world.

Practical modalities of the Ayurvedic system
Ayurveda is a very practical system to protect and restore health. Its methods are accessible and easy to apply and also inexpensive. Ayurveda also contains objective knowledge that only direct experience can reveal.

Yoga and food
The ancient wisdom of yoga states that we mostly are what we eat. The delicious meals that we relish finally reach our cells in a form more or less changed and keep staying there for a while, weighting on our vitality and health but also on our manner of thinking and on our spiritual experiences.

Yoga and faith
Wise yogis consider that can means, first of all, to intensely and strongly believe in the unlimited secret possibilities of our being that needs to be in as much harmony with the entire Macrocosmos as possible.

Yoga and women
In most cases, women have no idea of the heritage they were naturally given. Their heritage is a big energy potential that is absolute necessary to spiritual life.