Yoga and the Western Philosophy
A more accurate understanding of the Eastern philosophy is nowadays possible through Yoga. The East has already entered the History circuit and the European Conscience is stimulated to take the philosophies of the peoples present in History more seriously.
Yoga and parapsychology
Yoga tradition has several legends upon great yogis’ wonderful lives and miraculous deeds. Even contemporary great yogis are capable of spontaneously realizing miracles or “paranormal phenomena”, in other words.
Yoga and family planning
When they want to have children, each family or couple evidently wants them to be harmonious, healthy and intelligent. More than that, parents think in advance to have a “daughter” or a “son”. Nowadays, science has found modalities that help parents to know the sex of the future baby.
Yoga and resonance
A transfer of energy from the stimulating system to the resonating one takes also place during resonance. When the resonance condition is reached, the amplitude of the oscillations increases a lot, presenting a certain maximum; it could become infinite if energy leaks due to rubbing factors did not exist.
Yoga and sexuality
The genuine yoga tradition unveils a completely different approach in love and sexuality, highly more positive and plenary, unlike the confused and grotesque vision proper to most of the western people, either intoxicated or improperly educated.
The 24 Hour Prayer
Sanskrit Scriptures clearly state that if we speak to God for one day and one night without interruption, He will answer us. More precisely, we will truly be able to understand His answers, because of the accelerated elevation of our instruments of perception.
The Ineffable Sense of Sacredness – is that the seventh sense?
Have you ever considered what makes you strongly believe in your ideals and stick to them? Have you noticed your whole being uplifted by a sublime ideal you aim at?
Tantra Yoga – a global and profound vision of reality
The eternal present is there. As soon as we’ll have (by constantly implementing these ideas) the first ecstatic states we’ll be amazed to realize that reaching the illumination doesn’t necessarily require engaging ourselves in huge and spectacular actions.
Inspiring thoughts regarding the Spiritual Guide – aspirant relationship
The essence of the relationship between the Spiritual Guide and the aspirant can never be known only from the outside, because in fact it can never be an object of knowledge for those who are not ready to identify with that ineffable, mysterious state experienced by an aspirant on the Spiritual path.
Mauna – a source of silence and energy
God, The Father, or Brahman is primarily The Supreme Silence. The soul in its depth is Silence. The peace of the mind is Silence. Atman (The Supreme Self) is Silence.
Kundalini – the fundamental energy
Kundalini is the energy that exists in a latent state in man at the base of the spinal column. When this force is “awakened”, it springs upwards (or downwards if the person is practising the headstand position ”Shirshasana”).
The Reality of «I Am», A Reality of the Self
Meditation on the question “who am I?” is one of the methods that enables the yogi to reveal in themselves the reality of the Immortal Supreme Self Atman.
Karma Yoga – The Yoga of daily life
Karma yoga represents one of the four main classic forms of Yoga.Karma Yoga represents a starting point and is an essential part of the teachings of Bhagavad Gita, this serves as sufficient ground for its authenticity.
The main goal in Karma Yoga
“The Karma yogi doesn’t need to believe in any doctrine. He may not even believe in God, he may not ask himself what is the soul and he may not be attracted by any metaphysical speculation at all” (Practical Yoga).
The efficiency of the Karma Yoga system
Swami Sivananda: “Many people believe that Karma Yoga is an inferior type of Yoga, but this is a great error.”
The Specific Technique in Karma Yoga
The theoretical grounds and techniques of action in Karma yoga are clearly stated by Kåñna in the Bhagavad Gita, with the only observation that the order in which these ideas are presented is not the most convenient for Western people.
Karma Yoga and the sense of responsibility
It is necessary to act completely detached, with all the energy then offered by the Divine, but it is equally necessary sometimes to not act at all” (Practical Integral Yoga).
Combining Karma Yoga with other forms of Yoga
The practice of the Karma yoga system can be combined with the practice of other forms of yoga, especially Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga,Raja yoga, Laya Yoga. This is one of the main themes of Kåñna‘s teachings exposed in Bhagavad Gita.
Complete freedom through Karma Yoga
Every authentic Spiritual path, every religion, every important philosophical system are all expressing in specific forms the fundamental effort of the human being towards Liberation. Consciously or unconsciously, everything in this Universe evolves faster or slower towards the same essential goal.
Consecration – offering the fruits of our actions to God
Consecration is an essential method of the Karma Yoga system, in which we offer the results of all our actions to God. Through consecration we will feel that God Himself manifests through us, and in that way, we can feel his inspiration, grace and power.