The genuine yoga tradition unveils a completely different approach in love and sexuality, highly more positive and plenary, unlike the confused and grotesque vision proper to most of the western people, either intoxicated or improperly educated.
Sanskrit Scriptures clearly state that if we speak to God for one day and one night without interruption, He will answer us. More precisely, we will truly be able to understand His answers, because of the accelerated elevation of our instruments of perception.
Have you ever considered what makes you strongly believe in your ideals and stick to them? Have you noticed your whole being uplifted by a sublime ideal you aim at?
The eternal present is there. As soon as we’ll have (by constantly implementing these ideas) the first ecstatic states we’ll be amazed to realize that reaching the illumination doesn’t necessarily require engaging ourselves in huge and spectacular actions.
The essence of the relationship between the Spiritual Guide and the aspirant can never be known only from the outside, because in fact it can never be an object of knowledge for those who are not ready to identify with that ineffable, mysterious state experienced by an aspirant on the Spiritual path.
God, The Father, or Brahman is primarily The Supreme Silence. The soul in its depth is Silence. The peace of the mind is Silence. Atman (The Supreme Self) is Silence.