by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
In most cases, women have no idea of the heritage they were naturally given. Their heritage is a big energy potential that is absolute necessary to spiritual life. Due to the lack of experience, this receptive female potential is often underestimated or never taken enough into consideration. In the present time, we discover that, in some cases, women are much more spiritually active.
If we analyze the proportion of the trainees of modern western Yoga, we notice a clear female predominant, thing that tends to sometimes transform in monopole concerning Yoga teaching. A simple look on the list of the teachers will immediately convince us. In Canada, for instance, percentages of 90% to 95% of women doing yoga can be easily noticed. This is not an arrow-head but a real wave!
God will always be masculine in the west, no matter if it is about the Father, the Son or the Holy Ghost and also his representatives on Earth: Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and so on up to the most humble priests in a parish. East knows the sublime notion of Divine Mother, close to the Divine Supreme, as well as the notion ofShakti (creative divine energy).
Due to their characteristic endowment, women are spontaneously in agreement with their subconscious. Thus, using an adequate spiritual discipline, they are capable of exploring and amplifying the profound qualities of the human nature much easier than men. In Tantra Yoga, for instance, there has always been a tradition of the female spiritual masters and the female Guru’s initiation has always been considered extremely powerful and favourable. If we make a parallel between the existence of the female great masters to whom male disciples would come to ask for the initiation and our western concepts, we notice there are no conflicts between sexes for tantrics.What Tantra Yoga has been accepting for millenniums severely exceeds what modern women proclaim.