Legal action of our Czech member “Rezonance” against Jakub Jahl (Sobek), founder of Satan’s community
One of our Atman members, the Spiritual School Rezonance, is currently the target of a systematic campaign that contains unfounded, false and reputationally damaging accusations, initiated by an individual known by the names Jakub Jahl or Jakub Sobek. His aggressive...
Important disclosure about a new vile plot against spirituality in general and against the eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru in particular
Ms. Mădălina Dumitru is the author of an autobiographic book “The Broken Flight” (available on nathabooks.com) where she reveals the fabricated facts of authorities to attack the esoteric spiritual schools of the Atman Federation and the Eminent Yoga Teacher Gregorian...
Glossary Terms to better understand the subtle phenomena that occur whilst invoking angelic entities
ASPIRATION This term comes from the Latin word aspiratio, which in the English translation means to aspire. Generally speaking, aspiration is the action of orienting ourselves, it is the action of directing our aspirations to something clearly superior, including...
Message regarding the Godly Attributes
On August 8, 2020 at 13.00 CEST in Aarhus Denmark, a halo appeared around the sun, exactly in the moment of beginning of the meditation with the Godly Attribute of Godly Salvation and Redemption that was performed during the Online Yogi Summer Camp. The halo lasted for 18 minutes.