Our whole existence is covered with colours: the wonderful colours from nature, the colours of the objects in our home, the colours of our clothes, the colours of walls from the rooms, the colours of buildings, the colours of cars and different vehicles we are travelling by, the colours of books, magazines, papers, the colours from movie scenes and those seen on the TV, the coloured lights from the feast fireworks, the colours of Christmas decorations and gifts, or the colours of flowers we offer to our beloved ones for their anniversaries.
Ayurveda represents a complex system of natural healing that originated in India. In Sanskrit, the word Ayurveda means ”The science of life”
Ayurveda is simple because it uses general principles, synthesized as a result of a long, direct practice. The simplicity of Ayurveda is due to the fact that this science has reached the essence and for this reason it cannot be considered as being superficial or reduced.
Today, knowledge of the Ayurvedic system has become more and more widespread. Unlike many other systems of alternative medicine, Ayurveda started to be known in very many countries of the world.
Ayurveda is a very practical system to protect and restore health. Its methods are accessible and easy to apply and also inexpensive. Ayurveda also contains objective knowledge that only direct experience can reveal.
The ancient wisdom of yoga states that we mostly are what we eat. The delicious meals that we relish finally reach our cells in a form more or less changed and keep staying there for a while, weighting on our vitality and health but also on our manner of thinking and on our spiritual experiences.